If I examined or I compared Myself next to the greatest person that ever was That would place no feather In my cap. If I become greater still Than Muhammad Ali, Still that would be no proof, nor treasure in my lap. If I sailed the ocean; Navigated without a map Measured up to the greatest Captain that ever sailed the sea. I still would not feel fantabulous; Like my worth on earth complete. "To thine own self be true" is universal law Unless I fill my own two shoes And stand on my two feet. The task is... fulfill my purpose now or My purpose I defeat To know my what-my who -my how. Many before me were great, On that I must agree, and from them I’ve been inspired. The righteous workings of my soul Is my only test, being better than Myself, will be my all-time best. The Creator hears my plea: “God make the best of me” "let me be true to me" The only person I need Strive to be better than ......is a me.!