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Nov 2015
six am and darkness still prevails
her casual morning disheveled shuffle to the coffee
still beautiful to me
and so entranced i loose myself in thought
come up behind her in the mirror
and brush my lips along her neck
she smiles and teases with a laugh

we chat over our breakfast about
the day now breaking silently outside the open window
a slight autumn breeze tickles us
as our dog chases shadows in the yard
the whole world seems to be waiting for
the brilliant bright sunlight to stream over the edge
of the world

her dreadlocks woven with beads
scented with roses
i run my fingers lightly along one by her ear
then trace the delicate line of her earlobe
i am intoxicated by her everything
i am in love with her
body and mind
soul and heart

each day is a gift
each smile a world of love
i have waited a lifetime to be here
and each and every moment has made that wait worth it
this is living
this beautiful world between us
shared only by our two souls
entranced and entangled
beautiful dreamers lost in a beautiful dream
mark john junor
Written by
mark john junor  59/M
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