Strings of lightning bolts that are our veins charge us up to let us know we live til this day. The sound of thunder heart beats fast when you and I cross paths. The sound of you're voice comes first as the strike of you're pressence follows. Its been a few weeks now and I have been getting these davastating dreams, dreams where I get to see you but I just walk past you and avoid you. I avoid you in these dreams even when i can control them only because it hurts to look at you're smile. Each time I get these dreams you're look pains me and sometimes I wake up teary eyed. Maybe its you're absence or maybe its just my love towards you. The things that go through my mind each day I think about you, such a strong sense of comfort you're presence simply overwhelmed me. When i am with you I just feel blissful. You're sense of humor, strange attitude and personality is what i find perfect in you. So yes I would get jealous if you would kiss someone else. I get jealous on the things that I adore in my life yet, cant ever have them for some strange reason and this is my every day life.