I never knew The world spun so fast I held onto things too tight, Making sure not to lose The unplanned memories. I tried to push out the negativity, But I couldn’t, I can’t let go
I sit there and watch as life whirls by, As days turn to nights, And a night to day, Unable to release my grip on all I’ve ever known.
Although it gave me blisters, And my fingers would all ache, I persevere and hoped that one-day things would change. Always sure that holding on Was worth the pain it takes. I used to believe that letting go, Meant losing a part of me. That loosening the grip meant Turning into a person my heart no longer knew. Some how I figured out that I was the one The one who needed to loosen the grip In order to make the change possible. I began to slowly open my hands And watch as I dropped all I once knew Although it felt like a journey from the sky to the drain I ended up shattering on the grown My soul became much lighter, Instead of being filled with fear, Letting go Taught my heart that I can’t make everything Last Forever