honey, no one is an actor. we're just people stepping into others' lives the stage lights help they burn out your fear and give your sweat a source.
honey, no one deserves it. you're not born with it, you grow into it, you don't guide it you let it guide you. you do what is natural and what is true.
honey, i may not show it but my skin is a silken cage full to bursting with butterflies with razor-blade wings. i just don't let it get to me.
honey, don't you get it? theater, and the arts as a whole, it's life it's blood and sweat and breath don't say it's not your "thing" and don't say you've never done this before you do it every day every step you take forward is action and reaction every word you speak has festered in your mind, memorized for centuries and just waiting to be free.
and all that matters is if at the end of the day your heart's not in it wholly and completely, doesn't matter how well you acted, you've failed. and if your heart is in it, all of it, wholly and completely and unbiased and unashamed, doesn't matter if you skipped a page and a half (the audience hasn't got the script memorized) they'll see your passion and they'll know you've won.
Someone who spends a lot of time around people who do productions, when asked the question "How many actors does it take to ***** in a light bulb?" will say something about meter or upstage or downstage, but someone who's really worked for it will know that actors don't ***** in light bulbs. The techies won't let them.