i wish i could ******* like a stephen king once in a while, but then my imagination sometimes gets a kick in the **** from delusional thinking, this the antidote to "a lack of imagination," this the artistic equivalence to a magician's trick, the illusionary works of sawing a woman in half; the many times i spilled some whisky on it... it happens... it happens so automatically that it's sometimes terrifying; now to find that cognitive anchor... ah, here it is: i.*
th- following l-tt-rs hav- b--om- -isabl--
e c d 3 / ω
on my k-yboar-, h-n- th- hyph-nation.
p-rhaps to slow m- -own, or what-v-r r-ason th-r- is to it, -onstru-ting a n-w -nigma?
so th- r-ason w-str-n so-i-ty is -xp-ri-n-ing a flux of pr-matur- --m-ntia is --u to population siz-
an- th- young on-s b-ing for--- into a -ompl-x worl- of s-rious maths an s-rious -h-mistry: so mu-h th-ory an- th-n only giv-n bor--om among banaliti-s of r-p-at r-p-at - -ompl-x th-ori-s to b- thrown into a worl- of -istill-ri-s
whisk-y an- vo-ka typos of form-r -ompl-xiti-s r-quiring p-rfum-s to say th- l-ast... -st-rs: sw--t aromati- -h-mistry.
but from th- -r-am worl-: 1. paint s-otlan- with 3 r-- strip-s 2. paint -nglan- with 3 blu- strip-s 3. op-n a win- bottl- with a mat-hsti-k an- fin- -arth in th- bottl-: mu--y grit, soil. 4. ov-r h-ar talk of my -at-gorisation of th- anglo-slav; as a -hat up lin-.
o-- thing is... it's only th- lin- 3 / £ E D C
t--hnophob- m-, th- oth-r 3 works though... on th- mobil-: 7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3.