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Nov 2015
You ripped me open to peer inside;
find the secrets you were locked out of
You turned and thought nothing of it;
did not even try to learn from what you discovered
Instead you turn it to place the blame
on me since I made it too tempting for you
So I had no choice to stand before you
naked and vulnerable and soon I ran
And for all your mental tallies
construing yourself to be the victim
I want you to know that I have forgiven
you for betraying the little trust I had
You always wanted our relationship to
be different when you took the time to look back
But were never willing to put in the
daily efforts that it takes to get it there
So you started taking short cuts
after all you mind is a tangled mess of lies
Cheating eventually collapses upon itself
and here that mask you made us
create is unveiling itself as just that –
a lie leaving you alone in a pool of hate
In forgiveness you are mistaken;
it does not mean a fresh start nor see you;
Hear your voice; have your fakeness
pollute the air I’m trying to breathe
Someone who was ***** can
forgive but would you blame them for
Never wanting to see that face again?
And yet you are back in my life
You don’t understand where I’m at
or who I am; but that does not concern you
As long as your shell appears nice from afar
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