I have often heard the sky is blue and how the grass is green, But I haven't got the slightest clue as to what that's supposed to mean, No, I've only heard the stories of a sun shining bright. You see, I was born into the dark, never to know the light.
I know birds by their songs and trees by their shade. My fingers run for miles on hills artificially made, Painting pictures in my mind of things I never knew, Looking for some insight, searching for the truth.
I have smelled the color purple, I have heard the color blue! I have tasted green and yellow, and the combination of the two! I can feel the color orange like the warm late summer breeze, And the pale blue of the waters in winter when they freeze.
But all I see are the missing trees and those who make no sound, Ghosts of my own making, look at what they're taking, never to be found.