All are under God; the one's of our Faith but no less so those that are Not. Does God play favorites. He Has told us He does not. Those that Believe in His universal love shall be Confirmed. Those that do not shall Be surprised but not disappointed But shall believe with greater joy as The prodigal son tells us.Such it is To be reborn like St. Paul. If this be Our faith should we not ever seek to Be benevolent never to be undone by A discordant disbelief even to the Misguided hatred of others. There Are many nation- all are made up of People under God. In this respect the People are equal and all have the same Inalienable rights and every stranger Is deserving of our benevolence. If a Nation practice this it will be a light To all people. But this cannot be pro- Claimed while rejecting the stranger Without hypocrisy. The proud call on Cruelty and say they are godly but we Know it is not so. If we are fearful- Let us humbly admit it that we may Be given the strength and courage To Love. To those who do not ask It will not be given and even if given Will not be taken. It is well said that: Pride goeth before a fall. As Soloman Has said there is this after all: Fear the Lord and Keep His commandments. From Christ we know this means to Love one another-We may not yet Know how nor yet have the strength Then let us pray for it. Lord not my Will but thy will be done. Amen .