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Nov 2015
Sand escapes the hourglass plane
Each grain a thought inside my brain
I seek what I cannot sustain
As Time she leaves me wandering

Imprisoned in my ego mind
This space my keeper I am confined
Eyes wide open yet I am blind
As Time she leaves me wandering

Each step I take upon this path
I face the devil and battle his wrath
Locked in the mind of a psychopath
As Time she leaves me wandering

With darkness I cannot compete
I bow my head and take my seat
Evil’s looming, I accept defeat
As Time she leaves me wandering

Lost, confused and filled with fear
I contemplate that final frontier
Knowing the result will be severe
As Time she leaves me wandering

A shadow cannot exist without light!
The voices scream with all their might
Hope inside starts to ignite
As Time she leaves me wandering

As shivers tingle up and down my spine
Peace encompasses my soul aligned
In love I sit reclaimed by Divine
As Time she leaves me still
Melissa Rose
Written by
Melissa Rose  48/F/Canada
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