Walking In Hopes Low And Head High, You won't be there, You told me months ago you were leaving and never coming back, That tore my world apart, I hurt everyday since, But Still I try to stay strong, I tried to hide my agony with a smile, But what was the point no one would notice anyway.
I Sit And Wait For Former Friends To Join Me, Then I see you, My heart felt as though it just exploded from joy, Your smile, Your essence, It made my tears all worth while.
You Sat Across From Me, I covered my mouth to hide the smile, But it was so obvious, And before I knew it I was crying again, Only this time I was crying because I was happy, I cried because I got back what I thought I had lost, I got you, My heart was full , My world felt complete once more, And happiness seemed worldwide, Even If For Only A Day.