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Nov 2015
They cover my arms
And my legs.
They cover my head
And back.
They're all over
My face.
They tell the story of
Who I was,
Of who I am,
And who I will be.
My tattoos tell my
Life story.
With every movement of
The pen,
Comes pain as the needle
Goes deeper into me.
Slowly though, with time,
The pain subsides and
I'm left with reminders
Of every aspect of my life:
The good and bad,
The painful experiences,
The joy and happiness.
There are mistakes
Because my life is
Not perfect.
There are scars
Because I fell more
Than I've stood up.
There are new ones
Covering older ones
Because over time,
I've learned to
Live in the now and
Forget the past.
With every tattoo I get,
I'm reminded of
What I've done:
The mistakes,
The right decisions,
The failures,
And successes.
There are more mistakes
Than perfect tattoos
Because my life isn't
It's perfectly
With every stroke of
The pen
Comes pain, happiness,
Some regret.
But I won't
Stop getting them
Because my tattoos tell
My life story.
I have so much more
To tell because
My life isn't over yet.
David Chin
Written by
David Chin  29/M/New Jersey
(29/M/New Jersey)   
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