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lotus lord
Nov 2015
the world is mine to see it as i please
the world is mine to see it as i please
for i was not born just for my parents to have a child
but i was born to tell my story
when i was little i would look at this world and think
its so pure
this world spins completely around in 24 hours
this world spins completely around the sun in 365 days
and yet 9 years later it only felt like 1
i learnd that this world is far from being pure
it juges you
watches your every move
its a cruel, heartless and greedy place
were told be yourself
be different
but most importly were told dont change for anyone
my did i learn that's all a lie
you act like yourself and you get chewed up and are spit out
the smallest things are life changing
that little girl with golden hair
her front teeth missing cause the tooth fairy came the night before
she looks up to me with her blues eyes sparkling
and a smile on her face and tells me
don't look down
look up
don't be sad be glad
be the princess in your kingdom
never lose hope
never forget who your suppose to be
as i think to myself i say
this little girl knows more kindness
then most people know in one finger
but i was stopped in my thoughts
for this little girl pulled a simple little purple crown
i know its not much but i made it for you
i have to go but remember stay yourself
from that moment on i know not only know that this world is a cruel place
but this world has people that are kind and caring
and keep this world pure in there own eyes
they had a story to be told
at that moment i know at that
i was going to change lives
simply giving a gift
or tell someone i appreciate you
can make a difference in this world
i have been given a assignment to do a spoken word poem and this is what i wrote
Written by
lotus lord
jacksonville nc
(jacksonville nc)
the helper
cameo lord
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