When a pet bird escapes Through windows or holes In the walls or the roof She is overwhelmed by freedom Wings catching air she soars In only one direction Up Almost as if she knows There's nothing for her down here A beeline straight into the stratosphere Her weak wings quickly wearying Having never really been used before They can take her only so far Until worn down they give up Burning and aching like overdriven muscle Exhilarated and ready For free fall Her weakness is the ceiling An invisible barrier of pure air Across which fate has decreed She will not pass Not high enough to touch clouds But much too high to expect A smooth landing Much of a landing at all Perhaps someone will see her Grisly reunion with Gaia's unyielding Tarmac The price you pay for too much freedom As her cage is cleaned Ready to be sold in a garage sale Because the guy who kept her Couldn't bear the guilt Of accidentally leaving the window open No matter his love for winged creatures He'll never own another one