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Nov 2011
Thinking of consciousness seems, oh, so cliche,
But it's something we ponder day after day.
We each think we are so much different from one another.
Perhaps asking this question together will make us feel like brothers:

Is there a reason to our lives, a general purpose?
Are we just here to enjoy the universe? One big circus?
Is there a specific goal that we should be chasing after?
Or is that goal a ghost only determined by pastors?

I search for the true definition of the term "right",
Webster's dictionary leaves me with such mental fight.
It reads: "That which is morally correct, just, or honorable",
This vague syntactical predicate will only cause trouble.

Stand alongside each other and maybe we'll end this discomfort;
War, discrimination, and other human faults must divert.
We have the answer on the tips of all our tongues.
The answer that will make billions of people, one.
Written by
David Porter
   Cameron Godfrey, --- and JM
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