You have become my skyline A horizon that makes me believe in life after death And that the earth is round You have turned into tall buildings and trees because you believe in stretching out and touching the stars I look up at you and you look down at me but our eyes both show that we are equal You seem to expand over time And I seem to shrink But even after months of labor and hundreds of miles between us You are still more beautiful than the night sky on the mountain Or that time we both saw the Grand Canyon before our paths crossed You are still more beautiful than anything I hope to see in this world And as you continue to expand, I continue to be amazed by you Little moments get me through this harsh life And you break up into tiny particles that flout around my brain and hit all the right nerves Sometimes even the wrong nerves but I'll forgive you And I'll never forget the time we drove in that truck together You wanted to know all the little stories that I rarely share And I knew You wanted inside my brain as much as I wanted inside yours