at night you can spot him strolling the pavement, the modern archimedes, with a bottle of bavaria beer, using his cigarette lighter to detail the bottle cap with one smooth use of leverage, as taught by paul the ex-convict, the hopeful dub-step d.j.
the 19th century had its pan-slavism, but given there’s a union between the germanic people and slavic people while mama siberia is left behind freezing, outside with the big bad wolves and bears - having exported serious existential literature of doom and grooming gloom to scandinavia, the balkan slavs still uncertain, rejected in favour of the bulgars and the romanians, i can mention the northern slavic *trans-slavism, not quiet trans-gender, such a linguistic surgery of the soul requires little details like: my point was proved about the up-turned nose in england concerning public intellectuals... they do great cornish pastry and music anyway, let the french do the thinking and find joy in it - plus reading philosophy books in english is like pulling your teeth out, standing in a bucket of ice cold water with someone setting fire to your hair.