I stared, stupidly, at his head and the pool of red he bled from the brass rail down onto the barroom floor.
Had it been a half an hour He, so cocksure of his power, had first set foot inside the barroom door?
I'd been alone but for the Doc a Presbyterian Scott who just come from a hard delivery.
Mom and child were doing well but the Doctor looked like hell so I sat him down and gave the man some tea.
I 'm the Pub man's assistant and my job that Winter's morning was cleaning up the place for this day's trade.
Had I been out in the snug I'd have never met this lug who is lying on the floor fit for the grave.
I am Irish from Tyrone, He was from Lancaster-shire. To his thinking I was a blight on English soil.
He was spoiling for a fight which he started with a right that sent me sprawling on the barroom floor.
He said "Get off the floor, and I'll treat you to some more." "You stupid ****!" His boon companion smiled.
I'm not one to shun a fight when I'm firmly in the right and these arms were toned by years of quarrying stone.
Was it surprise I saw when He learned I'm a southpaw. Satisfying was the sound of fist on chin.
As he commenced his trip to earth It was the foot rail caught him first He cracked his skull and then he was no more.
His friend ran for the police as his pulse and breathing ceased Doc looked up at me and said "This won't go well"
" Take my bicycle and flee Off to Scotland , listen to me, unless you fancy dancing on the wind."
So I rode like one possessed on the narrow winding roads Early winter darkness coming down.
After, I worked on dairy farms and spent three years in the mines. Eventually, the case grew cold and went away.
I emigrated to the States where they too have their loves and hates but the Irish are accepted in a way.
My father, a nineteen year old Irish immigrant, was attacked by a Xenophobic Englishman in a Lancaster pub where he was working. I have told the tale as it has come down to me over the years, working in first person point of view.