I just saw two faces pain and apathy the sea and the wall crumble
The blockade is down and there was much blood It was both beautiful and sad
The depths received the truth gushing out from the remains the ruins of a once well-laid and seemingly beautiful barrier that protected the broken builder behind it
When I left the sun was bisected half of it obscured by the horizon
whether it was coming or going I do not know
The builder was sitting on the cold shore shivering from the wind that had blown over the cold waters
I like to Imagine for there is not just one possibility
Will the two rest like a faded painting rusting into antiquity
or will the ocean thaw renewed by the warm breeze now freed by the absence of the wall
and the builder pick up the pieces and build something worthwhile
I have imagined myself in that picture part of me wanting the pain and the possibility
I am only a spectator and I know my place I ready myself and turn to watch the next eclipse or solstice sunset or sunrise