Why am I like this? What have I turned into? You're all I think about and I feel like a lost puppy most of the time, like I'm waiting for you to seek me out and find me.
What is it about you that has reduced me to repeated I love you's and I miss you's and I can't wait to see you's? I have never been so honest about my feelings to anyone before and this terrifies me.
The power that you have over me, that I have given you so willingly, terrifies me. And now, you're all I write about.
I like to write about what I see happening around me, the people and things that matter the most to me, and my thoughts so thank you! You have made writing so much easier for me because you have blinded me to everything happening around me, you are what's happening around me. You are all that matters to me and I cannot stop thinking about you!
I cannot stop thinking about you! I cannot stop thinking about you! I cannot stop thinking about you! I am starting to think that there is something wrong with me. This cannot be normal. This is not healthy, I should know; I was always a sick child. And this is so strange to me because the only way to make me feel better is to think about you.
On the days that I spend too much time alone in my room, where I hate the world, when I want nothing more than to just go home, where I spend hours in bed, clutching a pillow and wishing it was you, on the days that I miss you, I think of you. I think of you. I think of you...
I don't know why I'm like this. I don't know what I've turned into, but when I think of you, *it all makes sense.