If in fact you were to say You couldn't live with the pain another day I might believe you Knowing we are the same But will you lose yourself again Will you subdue yourself to your parents To a fixed religion You might So the answer I'm not sure As you are unsure of your feelings you had for me Love doesn't reside in you for me It may had But god my God do I miss you All the running around laughing Smiles in the sunshine Where did it go You stopped loving me for something you didn't know Something that interests you Like death You were interested in the thought of what lies ahead more so than what we had So you became obsessed Obsessed with something you don't understand Death Well I do Understand Death will Happen for it has to me Different kinds Then you may know what now is worth To not obsess over thoughts all day To not believe in throwing all the money you make away On some thought of what happens to you one day It's selfish Of you and of them Amount yourself from a dark place Of terror and belief in something that's only negative you see God I lost you It's hard to believe I lost my favorite thing I started to resent you I started to wonder why wasn't I included You saw that You felt my resentment Because your culture is a cult. All of them We are different And I loved you so so much More than the words could say And I'm still sad Keep wishing things will go back to what they were Why would you spend your life in sadness In dishonor to yourself To your soul You have and only are harming yourself Even if it's not us Let your soul set you free Be whoever you want to be And please Please be happy