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Nov 2015
Today is the day,
The day when you wake up and notice,
That the person sleeping next to you is the person you want.

You want to live with,
Die with,
And create a life with that you can be proud of.

Yet a you look next to you,
The person in the bed seems so far away,
Because you ****** up while they were away.

So as you try to put your relationship back together,
You end up loosing them,
To the void of friendship that can't be crossed,
Because your ship isn't strong enough to make it,
To the one you love unless they meet you half way,
So you sit floating in the void waiting,
And waiting,
Until they show.
Matthew Miklavcic
Written by
Matthew Miklavcic  CIncinnati, Ohio
(CIncinnati, Ohio)   
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