I can't shake ... the hold/the clasp/the clench... All/my/air. ...she told me... I/had/a/ ....good //name. ...And I can't-explain-to-anyone (She's probably the only heartbeat to.get.it//said it) ...why it even...matters. But the sentiment has. .. ... s. t. >U. >C. k. And i'm Swallowing marbles ...At the thought/of/it [IKnowsheknowsiknow] In the end... It's those {little} ...Things that so easily could go... <un-noticed> {WE noticed everything sheandi} ..That was the beginning Of the beginning [That barely got a start] So many ~little~ things... //armwrestlingpoetswhiskeyart//
In the end it's so... p l a i n...to see
...it's so.often.the {small---est} shards... that cause.the.most. ...harm.