Ever since you left, you’ve changed And for the better, I can tell You’ve turned into some ladies man, Some hot ****, a party go-er You never were a shy boy, But now you’re never timid. I changed too For the better, also More confident, and happier What I don’t understand is Why we couldn’t be like this while We were together Who are you? Where did the old you go? The one who actually cared about me The one who knew, without a doubt, When I was upset And right away tried to help me out. I don’t know who you are anymore And that’s terrifying. I look at you now and you’re different. I mean, I guess it’s a good thing for you. But I’m sick of how quickly people change. How fast life went from Knowing everything about you To Knowing absolutely nothing It’s weird and I hate it I don’t understand it But I guess this is how life happens… I guess.