I still remember all of the songs That meant something to us. I remember the ones that made me think about you And I listen to them in the spots that we claimed as ours. I remember the ones that we danced to in your car, As we laughed constantly at ourselves. The ones we danced to and the ones that played When we were alone in your room.
I remember the words you said and wrote. I still replay them in my mind. I remember exactly how and when You told me you loved me. I remember the feeling your words gave me. I remember how I didn’t take a compliment from you, But on the inside it meant the entire world to me.
I remember the time when you were my everything. I was your everything. And that was perfect for the both of us. We were special in each other’s arms, And in each other’s thoughts. We made each other happy, And that’s all we wanted for the future.
I remember messing up. I got picky and aggravated at the dumbest things. They’re things that I can’t even remember now Because they were so insignificant. But I also remember The few times your words struck like a knife. And when mine hurt you that much as well.
I remember how you would carry me on your back, How you would look at me, smile at me, cuddle with me, And hold me as I cried in your arms.
But I can’t seem to remember How I lived before I met you.