yet even though i count only five members, i still play with my moustache and beard like an organism of eight extensions, thus i weave and think simultaneously, in this great cobweb of silence: my hand the spider, my mouth the cobweb... how pretty the interaction to exact the daffodil a caleigh with the thistle in parisian persian.
i am as unsavoury in my buds of the tongue as i might calypso a pineapple for pink in the new dictionary stating pink defines punk! i am unsavoury in by tastes like trans-muscle in its ivory enclosure, as i am outstretching my hand to “photograph” the rain with my hand to get freckles and knitting patterns of aqua gnats, as i am to say: a. you dittoed that word without using it prior, so why exploit such usage in the first place?! and... b. it made more sense to itch with rain than describe drunk & twitching spiders doing a cancan dance in the four necessary extremes of 21st century morse encoding with emoticons: s.o.s. = octopus :) reverse :) pianist fake :(. elevator going up! (this is the scottish parliament, after all) shiksh floor... elevator going down... ground floor... that’s just ******* boring... how about you climb the shcaffold and drop chimney bricks onto prince’s st. (edinburgh) drunk, eh?! well i did that, actually... who’s up for a sarcastic tying the knot and reining in a horse? no one? oh oops twos a buckle with hoofs for teeth as the same cement... no, sorry... it’s called *enamel; say hi for me to ben and nick harper in this silence of typing ‘ oh i thought (i.e. susan). **** me, the comma is on the ceiling, who’s going to measure the time width of that one for exacted humour?! here's one: when sean connie is on the screen, you never shush the audience... unless you get a shish kebab prior... and a shanty town dr. feelgood - repairs project in motion... shanty town project thumbs up good to go! dr. strangelove - bomb bomb bomb! dr. feelgood - shanty town isn't a hiroshima. dr. strangelove - bomb bomb bomb, bomb! dr. feelgood - a nuke on a geographic peanut?! dr. strangelove - bomb bomb bomb burning bush in the taj mahal urn! edinburgh is the new paris! edinburgh is the new paris! yo yodeling the york... new town... virginia... i'll export revolutionary france via scotland with edible 'burp' new paris! bon voyage the october-haggis... settle us among the apache with blood ***** and gain testifying the hog's intestines as worthy digestion!