I spent my childhood in the nineteen sixties Watching Walter CRONKITE Warning Adults to not let their children watch tonight's graphic footage of the Vietnam War
It was quite disturbing To this day I can not erase the image of that man on his knees being shot in the head execution style in the street
And the other footage of the reporters on the front lines
Before man walked on the moon Supposedly
Before I was ten
There should be a class action lawsuit for EVERYONE Who was shown that footage No one should have had to see that
But ezra pound said it best War is made to create debt
Well, Let's take legal action now to settle that debt
But, who do you sue? Not Walter. He tried to warn us. The media? The country? The idiot who started the whole thing? The t. v. station or network? Who do you sue?
Is it a debt that could ever be' settled?
How do you correct the wrong? How do you settle this debt?
For if there were no debt There would be no banks
Why would one have to borrow If he didn't owe
America, stockpile your banks You owe everyone in this country Fifty years and over PLUS INTEREST