in the age of super fast optic coptic broadband connectivity, writing had to leave the lives of respectable corset donning girls who’d lounge all day with balzac and long tennyson stanzas, who’d read for relaxation... sorry to break it to you huckleberry finn... but reading these days is all about distraction... distraction distraction distractions... plenty of them in the “real” world too... it’s called the goldfish salute... slàinte mhath... dheagh shlàinte... next time you hear an advertisement don’t think of promotion (that’s done through the ol’ word o’ mouth)... think more on the lines: ailing company... ailments in general... a public relations stunt... for those grandiose profit margins; true that... when a man is sick, has a cold a fever, he is prescribed paracetamol... when it's a company... the economic model prescribes the medicine known as advertisement.