They cry blood We see them getting buried in the mud You see them die with bullets thudding to thier chest And rockets fired in the mist Houses becoming broken down into dust Women running to find a shed but getting killed with merciless blood. They flee to the borders and they get treated with no just. Mothers and children with no heart as if it is a must. It pains to see how a man can turn a country to nothing more than a land of dust. Kills like a vampire craving for blood. Talking lies and deshonesty to gain people's trust with no soul that cares about them or us. Isn't it enough how Much you killed for a seat that isn't worth much A country that has nothing but missery every part you touch May my heart be yours May it be enough to get you off this suffering you all feel. Syria may you always be free. You are strong standing against the wave of blood and slaughter. Love you Syria the land of the free.