i smoke cigarettees too **** much. this is how you know nothing original will be said in this poem.
i use cigarettes as a social crutch.
i don't know about you but when i'm in the mood to be honest i'll tell you i smoke cigarettes because i want to be 'cool'.
because let's be honest: i can't think of a poet a musician an actor an olympic swimmer a hockey player a president a priest a **** a serial killer or a psychiatrist that's worth mentioning that did not smoke
yes, i know you can and go ahead, but let me first make a point instead
let me be honest, if i can smoke a cigarette and maybe be alone for 5.75 minutes then maybe a thought will occur to me something outside this ******* world and it will be good enough to write down, just maybe.
let me be honest i don't need you with your judgemental eyes and your cursory glances walk away from me at a party i don't miss you i am with her.
i garauntee if you asked Whitman Hemmingway Freud Phelps Obama about their actual relationship with smoking tobacco they would have similiar descriptions.
but go ahead, tell me about the hazardous effects of cigarettes let's talk about the cancer and the tar and the disgusting phlem that i will constantly have to eject from my throat-hole when i'm fifty.
go ahead, tell me about ******* people over and ripping their minds out and the sickness and the disease and how it's all so wrong. it's as amusing to me as it is to you. Mcdonald's will **** you. Pall Mall will **** me.