Silent cuts to the arm of the boy who always smiles so bright A happy-go-lucky person with circulating suicidal thoughts The sociable and friendly girl's pillow who has seen her tears every night No one suspects that their hidden emotions are turning themselves to knots.
The mask of a clean and bright face is the one everyone wants to wear because it is the only one that everyone else wants to see. The only one acceptable to show. The only one allowed to be seen. The only one.
For them, behind every hug is a cut to prevent the sadness from emerging Behind every laugh is a cry for help from a person hurting Behind every joke is a plea to be free from the unforgiving black hole Behind every smile is a stream of tears of a person hiding.
Hiding from society that taught us not to cry because it means weakness Hiding from the reality that being sad about something is always not a big deal Hiding from the people who would give us the looks of pity, forcing us to keep the tears in Hiding from the truth that your reason for crying will never be enough to justify yourself