A two two tier system of health is established now you are asked private or NHS. This could determine who lives or dies relying on those with funds. The quality of treatment depends on paying if none your only hope is praying!
NHS patients it's a lucky dip for treatment private no expense spared. No matter how dedicated the doctors maybe money is the pass code. Pay avoid the endless hours on a waiting trolley instant service if flash the lolly!
No more the fare care for all who enter within moral has long been exhausted. By the excessive dabbling of many governments where no parliamentarian is poor. And had no knowledge of the staffs dedication now wanting their eradication!
With an amazing crew who were not listened to or giving them back up or respect! The health service now in the United kingdom is doomed to be for the rich! The rest of us will wait forever for care that no longer can be there!
Once the worlds flagship for health care now the example to be aware!
The Foureyed Poet.
The National Health Service used to be a great place for treatment and a good employer. But No More! The Foureyed Poet.