I'm not feeling sorry for myself anymore Though you may perceive it otherwise I'm not wallowing in melancholia As if it were the only drug I'm addicted to It isn't
In death, perhaps I can slough off all these dead weights That bar the entrance to my heart That block joy and lasting happiness That keep me from loving you That keep me distant and alone That keep the thoughts, judgments, cynical tainted observations From mattering enough to mean anything
The responsibilities of life Hit me too hard I was too young Forty years later I'm still reeling Stunned But I'm not feeling sorry for myself Because everyone carries a cross God Himself brings the hammer and spikes Just hanging around waiting for you to Find a place to lay down and die Nowhere on earth seems good enough
I'm not feeling sorry for myself I'm just feeling sorry Because for every moment of peace Contentment and satiation A fortnight of confusion Despair and uncertainty