when i heard about it, when i heard of “free art:” i thought of free bread and wine, and celtic sirens, i laughed though... you made the earth so ******* boring we all wanted to become astronauts. when art became free we tried to moralise drinking wine (as a portent of richness) and eating bread (as a portent of the russian revulsion), i bought my art.. and waited for the ones who discouraged it complaining buying their bread “well fed.” the celtic sirens hung on though, singing softer and softer but more prone to the acid tongues dragging the democrats into a hope of kings and village kindred elders, but i still didn’t hope for free artistry that was akin to circus, caged the gypsy have i? i have, but i did not warrant free food or free aquas of variation, i simplified freeing the demands with the demands freed into excess, well... if i were kingly i’d still have provided free bread and wine rather than music and the curbing the excesses of lyricists; making music free just discouraged all originality, all creativity, it just became a realism of a struggled acting - i feel cheated having missed the antics of britannia in the 1960's and '70's like it was greek and roman without the epileptics of watching a documentary on trans-sexualisation of brazilians and ******* disco to gag on an excess of flashy lights just to sell lipstick... and have these quasi-epileptic shivers without having an opposing opinion to counter the freely stated & fluxed. i guess my convulsions were due to the fact that the men didn’t call it either homosexuality nor trans-sexuality, and that i was actually looking at two dodos talking, meaning i was seeing the extinction of the human race through the ****, meaning i was watching the knights templar idol, baphomet, realised 2000 years after the crucifixion in that crown of thorn dreams, perfected in thailand... of all places; that actually beats the identification of ibn saud as the dajjal, moving further east of mecca than riyadh and the assassination attempt within the framework of muhammad’s hadith of ‘no entry’ into mecca by the dajjal.