I fell in love with distance disappearing drifters The way his eyes dance across me sometimes, other times lay to rest I gave him my ***** in the hopes that he would make a home there Said "my body is a temple" then let him desecrate me He worshiped inside, slapped prayers into my flushed cheeks When he goes away I am endeared to him I hate him I curl up in his abandonment, in the silky sheets I wrap his scent around my shoulders and touch myself, send whispers to the universe to Please oh please remain, don't stay away for too long I close my eyes and imagine the moment he walks back into my reality The quiet way he will open the door, pass the threshold with a soft scent of smoke and whiskey He will sit down beside me where I will have decided to be angry at him To walk from him with the same ease he achieves so easily When his spring leaf eyes meet mine however I am once again wrapped in love I am once again resigned to be in love with a ghost