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Oct 2015
Let me begin by saying ***** Harper, ***** Mulcair, and ***** Trudeau, they all corrupt, well to be fair they are after all political. I don't know how i'm going to vote for this upcoming election, because all the people running for prime minister are all a bunch of white dudes that are such ***** kills. They are so bland but they think themselves so high in demand, those cocky hypocritical ****** are hilariously cynical. As a native I know I really should vote, but when none of the applicants give a crap about my people, I might as well spin a wheel. For real nothing is going to change, I feel like nothing matters, that it won't matter if I do vote, and i'm not the only one out there that feels that way. I want to be proud about my decisions in life, but this is one decision I don't know if I should make. When less than 40% of Canadians actuallyΒ Β  vote, that is not good; like compared to people who go watch ****** movies, there is still a higher percentage of people who show up to watch it; so it be more productive for me to watch fifty shades of grey. I think something is wrong with that, people died so we could vote, I am not trying to be a baggy blow hard, but if you don't vote, I believe that is a crucial mistake. Either way the choice is truly our own, we have to live with the decisions we make, whether it be good or bad.
Classy J
Written by
Classy J  22/M/Medicine Hat
(22/M/Medicine Hat)   
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