Crystal Crystal was once my friend She was always there for me Whenever I was in need She helped me through my ups and downs And whenever I wore a frown I thought we would always be friends Until one day I realized I was stuck with her forever She tore me apart she took everything I had She put me on the street with nothing but a garbage bag she turned my family away from me when I was with her I felt free She made me think she was all I had I didn't realize my life was getting so bad She promised me I was good in her hands She took away all my hope And now she is what I need to cope She made me feel so loved Then one day I couldn't find her I then realized she was a liar she promised me things and I believed her All she really did was promise to ruin my life She took my family and now I'm alone I guess now I am on my own She left me with nothing but an empty glass pipe Now I live in poverty with no one in sight I think to myself with I ever get my family back Will I ever live a good life again Crystal is no longer my friend She is my worst enemy Now that you have heard what she has done to me. Run away form this devil Don't let this ***** bring you down One hit and your done So my advice to you is run.