you move the sun closer to me and that has no disaster. your All is the wet funk of my Yes. the graven image of a total thing - masquerading as ****** glint of my " just asking " without theΒ Β burden of my suspicion. only the wonderful of my submission. You. You are the One that Two looks up too.
you march into my femur. break my bones where the soul is course and rancid. where the Always has no Answer but the Never has as a Speech.
you move the Sun closer to Me.
you bring me joys that hate and mutter the rumple of lesser men who have no Love.
you join the disjoint and mock the cradle of our discontent with the spectacle of our humble What ?
you move.
you move the sallow fortunes of our weakest too the strong weeping of our dire " of course ".
the code. Morse, may be... but the dots align in the ragged farse of our profuse jungle.
we are these monkeys lifting hammers we cannot claim but we have stars that march against the verity of our lies to preach the brevity of our almost in love.