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Oct 2015
how could she leave me
alone, lost and confused
how could her heart empty
from differences in thoughts or views
she belongs to me
and I to her
cuddling by the fire
together we purr
our journey is young
so many memories already
her beauty can only grow
yes, we have really just begun
she may jump a little if i raise a hand
but that will soon go away
I just got a little too angry once
she understood, listens now to what i say
she sees all the good inside of  me
yearns for my gentle caresses
and whispers about the beauty of the queen
she will always be my favorite possession
i really dont like to scream
or to be forced to throw my weight around
so she forgives and forgets quickly
assures me her dedication is sound
its not me or anything i taught
she has some kind of past i dont seem to get
we really do need each other
and its not like her love for me had to be bought
she really cant leave me
cause shes my dog
a thoughtless but precious gift
and way too scared of what would happen
if that back stabbing ***** was to get caught
Written by
AlienneilA  Florida State
(Florida State)   
   Anon C
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