I hate poetry. Not for the same reasons you probably do, I don't hate it because of the massive amounts of cliché love poems, I don't hate it because of the over-used phrase "crime of rhyme", And I don't hate it because I have something in common with Kanye West.
I hate it because it means I have accepted who I was. I hate it because I hate who I was.
Today I stand before you as the "Anyone who's Anyone" kindof guy. I consider myself to be the most important person in my world. Everything revolves around me, and I know it. Thats not an ego talking, no, it's more who I am. Call me an ***, but to me, you will never be more important than Thomas Strout. I am the Mr. Right.
But once upon a time, there was a poet. A beautiful poet who's words were poison and had looks to match. I was in love. But I made a mistake. I was really alone. I relied so much on a different universe that mine got lost in translation. Reality broke and I blamed everything besides her and myself. I was my own personal chaos. It lead to a broken heart beneath bottles and blunts.
My excuse? I had none. I was proud of who I was. I loved living like that, As everyone who does should, But it was wrong. I went through every kind of self mutilation possible, And then laid in a hospital for 3 days, not remembering what went wrong.
I was no longer my own personal chaos at this point. I was chaos.
So, I hate poetry.
Am I perfect? No. But at least I can speak now. But at least now, after months that have felt like years, I know who I am. And I have a voice of my own.