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Sep 2015
This is the first of the many
Times I will try
To hide what I'm feeling

I may be like Taylor Swift
As I write down every giggling moment to
Every heart ache
Maybe it's just cause of you

I'm not gonna lie
This is not the first time I've fallen
Head over heels someone
But this is the first
Time i actually tried
Writing what it feels like

Showing the world isnt that easy when
Everyone knows everything
The best treasures lie flat on the secrets of the earth
And in that case
You have been my secret
And no, its not because of your face

I saw you
Do something
That shocked me
It was a first

The confidence that heaped
Coals larger than heavens can phathom
It was a first for someone to actually
Sweep me off my feet
With an uncontainable love
That made me shake everytime
I would think of you
As i watched you

It was magical
More like euphorical
With every dimension
You twisted the entire universe
As i was the tornado in the middle
Getting twisted with every whirlpool of emotion
Bringing comets and asteroids breaking apart
Cause of the power
That fueled me

It was nice to see one guy
Show complete sincerity
With that oness i feel
Calms me
With every look
Brings me to tonight's serendipity
This was inspired by him
Entry #1
Louise Galang
Written by
Louise Galang  19/F/Phil
     ---, mickey finn, Rose, SPT and penn
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