rehashing, redacting words in breath- less thought. back into, place of belonging; back for, a time of concep- tion. then, and always, exhaling tone of muscles vibrating. spoken, reverbed of this hollowed body. eye-to-eye, view- ing a soul outside this vessel; speak to the eyes to be heard ofa soul. and of last breath -- words spoke, never meant heard of interred. of last breath, to be out sole compansion of lamplight; to sprade paper scraps where images of life were found writ from mumbled hand. words, those left withered th- oughts scrapped when weened of connectiong. eyelids flutter, lack comm- itment of the soul wandering through broken roof and heaveward on and beyond an impossible sky gliterring. out into some million mile expanse -- some insurmountable spanse not even Katahdin might hope sought. simple lamp light, casting shadows, in never furnished room. they stroboscope with the fluttering -- an attempt to disavow final alone breath. a first kiss of sweetheart named death, but not that from mouth of stereo- typed sickle-carrier. death with lips full and unpainted; lips not of harlot whose eyes were long ago shut away. were long ago gone, beyond this spansed memory. death, sweetheart of childhood, wavering in the dim light; death, patient waiting found only from one love lost to the million mile spanse. sweetheart, with face to ease and supplement of spirit; out wandering awaiting spirit-loose companion in abidement of union outside the restraint of physicality. her -- death -- finding manifestation in shadows thrown through empty space. cast of oil-soaked lamp's wick turned low; vespers of shadows ever morphing. ever cooing. waiting to accompany part and leave pense upon ever-veiled soul of him whom sought an emanation's first and final kiss of unpainted lips.