yep, i did, i went to university and got a t-shirt; ******* tourist that i am scaling the chemical alphabet: is that nitrogen and flossing with nuance? or is that oxygen and exfoliation with bruises of the bitten lip? well, neither, i’m the memory you seem to have in recurrence while in the veg aisle - to add to all other spectacularly mundane ingenuity.
now i can preview the shock **** free style jumper in *the silence of the lambs films - i educated myself to run with attire much later in life: being an adoring peasant and having capital crib scribbles of a named city on a shirt, fit for a marathon, me run out the thousand’s need for coal with one suicide friday viewing into a television leisurely; and i’d steal a million diamonds to prove that stealing one heart was all the architecture this world needed to re-imagine theft along with skyscraper demolition.