i’m followed by a shadow figure within the dark of who i use to be and am today, reflecting in mirrors are strangers with crooked teeth, late at night he whispers memories of a twisted body beneath frayed rope or sometimes holds pictures of walls painted with repulsive remedies delivered by a bullet, he showers skull fragments of D and T i always try and shake them off of me i can’t, it’s tearing holes in my skin i try to pick them off, i ******* can’t, he never lets me forget, i’m trying to sleep, he finds loopholes in releases and picks at calloused hands watching the dead skin rain and dampen rotting fresh, he’s in my dreams, he sends faceless apparitions applauding something i’ve done or haven’t done i don’t know he shakes babies and laughs waking me in cold sweats he tells me to forget how to breath, your lungs are useless your lungs are useless your lungs are useless