i see the words floating on message boards or perched upon the lips of jocular hypocrites double-standards that demand sensual chastity and virginal sexuality in endless iterations of irony
the concussive monosyllabic words slung like stones cast like arrows
**** ***** *****
all labels for women possessed of the courage to pursue their own passion
once upon a time a Nazarene insisted a ******* had more integrity than a rich statesman throwing self-serving parties so tell me why so many Christian politicians propagate patriarchal notions of depravity in blanket attempts to regulate the bodies of women
if being anti-choice was really about preventing abortions why do rich right-wing conservative Republicans spend all their time and money picketing free clinics when the solution lies in comprehensive ****** education universal healthcare complimentary birth control and comprehensive child support
don't dare use the reprehensible rhetoric of pro-life unless you're at once anti-war and anti-death penalty
riddle me this what pray tell is the difference between a jealous religious misogynist and a secular sexist
it's rather simple actually while the former bases his ****-shaming on the edicts of a two thousand year old letter to the Corinthians inconspicuously sandwiched between a celebration of love and a section on speaking in tongues the latter’s learned behavior is birthed by a hyper-masculine culture grounded in dominance
either way we await the day when wild women raze these ideologies with torches before rising like phoenixes from the ashes of decimated passages dismissed by intellectuals as archaic and outmoded deaf blind and dumb to the vestiges of modernity that sap unscientific philosophies of their potency and render them utterly obsolete
in their wake these proud women erase the hate from words like
**** ***** *****
and reclaim equality with a far more comprehensive term