I make my way up vista ridge The sinuous road that winds its way Through the hills behind my home I pass the many old homes built into the ridge Overlooking the city
I see through a window an old man in his kitchen His grandchildren flutter around him like fireflies The delicate dance of youth Their glow illuminates his face with laughter And joy I would like to be him one day When enough years have passed As time begins to steal the light from my face Only to have it replenished by the joy of family And new life And still endless possibilities Even as my hair turns to silver
The streetlamps flicker on with the dusk Casting a path down the lane Illuminating autumn leaves As they fall among the houses and parked cars
The lights of the city glimmer below The entire world seems to crackle and spark That which is not flame is tinder Ablaze with life
I make my way down the lane On feet that seem less content to touch earth With each step As I remember the incredible lightness Of living