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Sep 2015
summery strum

jangly notes bounce
through air

smooth cold lick
strawberry ice-cream

pale curves
where a bikini lived

your legs shimmer
bronzed sunset

wind warbles
blonde hair
a reckless shiver

sun hits skin
with a blizzard of kisses

touch me

you taste of something

something you shouldn’t have
all in one go

magnetic electric physical

consonants fluid
like warm water

hands a slippery murmur
around your waist

an us
not an I

we are rapid fire
a hot knot
of carbon and calcium

our lips


Written: September 2015.
Explanation: A poem written in my own time - the layout was originally more unconventional. The piece is about nobody in particular, but rather a fictional couple who, for want of a better phrase, can't keep their hands off from one another. I very much wanted to capture the intensity of a relationship that is passionate and strong. The title does not really relate to the poem, but is a lyric from Taylor Swift's song 'Bad Blood' - I was listening to the Ryan Adams version when I came up with the idea for the piece, and starting writing the first few lines. All feedback welcome. A link to my Facebook writing page can be found on my HP home page.
NOTE: Many of my older pieces will be removed from HP in the coming months.
Reece AJ Chambers
Written by
Reece AJ Chambers  31/M/Northamptonshire, England
(31/M/Northamptonshire, England)   
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