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Oct 2011
The dark and devilish nature of her words

Strike my soul with bone crushing impact

Delivering me to unfathomable heights

Soaring beyond valleys of unspoken truths

I swear I could feel the searing pain secreting

From the puddles of ink unmercifully *******

From within her little black pen of revenge

A cold, hard case of poetic justice iced my veins

Slashing fiercely through the tender tissues of my heart

Leaving a dreadful scar of excruciating scorn

Forever embedded in what was once a sacred home

It was as if a voodoo ritual was taking place

Possessing every inch of my flesh successfully

Soaking my skin with tsunamis of fear

Compelling my body to dance with the spirit

As I danced to the rhythm of the drums

A cloud of smoke was blown to distort my vision

In the wake of the smoke I began to hallucinate

The image of a **** harlot equipped with a machete

Appeared before my eyes taking me by surprise

Ready to slaughter and **** all who oppose her

And rob them of their oh so precious manhood

She pressed her lips against the blade then blew a kiss

The kiss caressed my lips with the taste of honey

By the swift blow of a gentle breeze she was gone

When I returned from this coma of entertainment

A severe addiction was unmistakably evident

My taste buds craved for more of this woman's literature

I had fallen victim to her powerful hex of poetic justice

By Glenn McCrary

© 2011 Glenn McCrary

(All rights reserved)
Glenn McCrary
Written by
Glenn McCrary
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