When I was twenty-two years old, I found out I was pregnant, with my second child, I went to my family for help, but they turned their backs on me for help, To them I had done the unpardonable sin, by getting pregnant once again, and this was because before I was married and now I was divorced and an ***** mother who did not deserve her baby. I had two sisters who could have cared for me, but no they both took a stab at me, and ruined my life for me and helped the state to take my baby away from me.
My daughter was placed into foster care and take care by strangers and then she was placed into an adoptive home with adoptive parents who could not love her as much as me and from them she hear they wished they never had adopted her because of mental illness she had inherited from her real family. My daughter today is thirty two years of age, she is loss to me and she has cut me off from her because she will not listen to me. All I can do is pray that one day before it is too late that she will return to me. This is because I love her unconditionally and have no regrets that I gave birth to her thirty two years ago.