In a canoe I set out on still deep water, heading between tall pines and sand bars. I hear the tapping of a distant Wood Pecker looking for insects in a aged tree. I follow the flow of the water around a twisting bend. I look up from the river and see turtles sunning on a log as I slowly float by. I look at green fields and I can see where perhaps a tribe of Cherokee once sat around their fires, with their Tee ***'s of deer and bear skin as their children played near the river bank. I hear the wind blowing through tall green Pines making them creak and wave as I sail by. Onward I paddle into swifter water as the river narrows, I sail past an old train bridge, where I see two barefoot children casting lines off of the faded wooden rails. On I go into the past, on dark water that flows over ancient river beds, until at last I come to a boat ramp where I must return to the present and after spending time riding on the river.